2.4GHz Keyboard Air Mouse Remote Control Touchpad For Android TV BOX USSP

Ksh 1,999.00

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StreetMama ngina
StateNairobi County
Zip/Postal Code56

-92 keys, 2.4GHz Wireless Keyboard with Touchpad.

-Mini QWERTY keyboard with multimedia control keys and PC gaming control keys.

-Suitable for Google TV, HD player, set top, Android TV box, iPhone and Web TV, network player, X-BOX.

-Maximum operating distance: ≥10m without signal disturbance and no direction limit.

-With USB interface adapter.

-Suitable for people to watch internet TV plays on via broadband/PC like NBC, ABC, fox and IPTV.

-Select viewing pleasures without walking to computer to change channels/scroll through options.

July 1, 2024 9:18 am

137 days, 7 hours

Listing ID 7905d9efa36957c5