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8 in 1 Combo Digital Heat Press Machine Heat

Ksh 43,999.00

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Streetpioneer kimathi street next to nation center opposite stanbic Bank pioneer house 5th floor room5
StateNairobi County
Zip/Postal Code00100

Product details
Combo heat press 8 in 1 machine for branding T-shirts, Caps, Tiles, Glasses, umbrella, frames, reflector jacket
and Mugs:
This 8 in 1 heat press machine with its industrial strength and durability allows for long-term use, making it a great investment with exceptional value among its competitors.
With this new digital swing away combo 8 in 1 heat transfer press machine, you can:

Transfer colorful pictures and characters of sublimating and dissolved printing ink onto ceramics, glasses and textiles such as cotton, flax, chemical fiber, nylon, etc

April 20, 2023 10:56 am

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Listing ID 1796440de1ee1f8c