Essay Writing Tips: Which is the Best Essay Structure Example
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To write an essay with the best essay structure example requires you do some research. Many students find it difficult to write their essays within the deadlines given. Most will know what they want to say in an essay but they don’t know how to say it in a form of an essay. It is important to know the best essay writing format to use before you start to write your essay.
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Here is a summary of steps in the most used essay writing structure example:
1. Think of what to write
2. Write a topic
3. Make an essay outline
4. Write an essay introduction paragraph
5. Write the body paragraphs
6. Write the conclusion paragraph
7. Edit and submit your essay
Here are the 7 steps of an essay writing structure example
Think Of What to Write
Before putting pen to paper, you need to firstly think of the topic you want to write about. You can do some research online to look for essay topics that you can easily handle. The most important aspect of thinking about the essay is to decide on the structure you want to adopt or the angle you want to take.
You should try to come up with an existing problem that should be investigated. Secondly, present the problem clearly so that you readers understand it. Thirdly, discover as many solutions and answers to the problem as possible. You can now select the best six or five solutions and write on them.
Write Your Essay Topic
An easy topic should be chosen from an area that you have an interest in. You should also choose a topic to write about from a field that you have information about. This will make your work interesting and easier to do.
Write an essay Outline
An easy outline helps you to plan your writing such that it makes sense and the sentences flow into one another. Make a detailed essay structure outline to help you in mind mapping on what to write where. A good essay outline should have the following structure:
Topic of the Essay
• Attention grabbing title in a familiar area
• General information sentence
• Specific information sentence related to the topic
• Thesis statement making a claim or allegation
Body Paragraph
• Topic Sentence if paragraph 1
• Supporting details for topic sentence (research, data, evidence, examples)
• Concluding remarks for paragraph
Conclusion Paragraph
• Revisit the thesis statement
• Restating the supporting arguments
• Making a recommendation or call to action
Write Your Introduction Paragraph
The introduction paragraph should include a first sentence which describes the general idea of the essay. This sentence should be interesting enough to grab the reader’s attention. This is usually called a ‘hook’. This should be followed by another sentence that narrows down to the specific opinion of the reader.
Your introduction paragraph should end with a strong thesis statement. The thesis statement is a statement and never a question. It makes a claim or an allegation that the writer wants to prove correct through this article.
Write Your Body Paragraphs
An essay body paragraph structure should give more details to support the thesis statement. The body paragraphs are found between the introduction paragraph and the conclusion paragraph. A body paragraph format should start with a topic sentence. The next sentences should discuss the supporting details for that topic sentence. Next is a concluding sentence that shows how the evidence support the topic. This is a mini-conclusion sentence for that particular paragraph.
A short essay usually has 2-3 body paragraphs or more.
Write Your Conclusion Paragraph
A conclusion paragraph summarizes the essay and is usually the last item in a good essay structure example. A good conclusion should restate the thesis statement and can actually rephrase it. The second sentence in a conclusion paragraph structure is a summary of the supporting evidence given in the body paragraphs. You can restate the conclusions of the body text.
Finally the conclusion paragraph format ends with giving a call to action or a recommendation to be adopted. If your goal was to sway the opinion of your readers, this is the sentence that is supposed to seal the deal.
Edit and Proof Your Essay
The last activity to do to finalise your essay is to edit your work for any mistakes. You will need to step away from the essay for some time to allow your mind to reset. You can come back later in an hour or two and start to edit the essay.
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