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High quality satin bonnets

Ksh 500.00

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Satin Bonnets for Sleeping @Kshs. 500.

To order contact us on 0795651107 with preferred colours. Available in wholesale too.

Are you always wearing stockings – meant to be underwear – on your head in bed?
Do you and especially your better half hate them?
Do you spend so much in the salon to look fabulous only for it to last so short?
Do you not cover your hair so you end up with an oily face before morning which results in pimples?
Do you always get mad when your kitambaa goes missing before morning?

Worry No More!! These Satin Bonnets are the Number 1 solution to all this problems and more.

These are head-wraps designed to protect your hair at night. They protect your edges and prevent damage to hairstyles so that they last longer and you spend less on salon and hair oils. They keep your hair moisturized, are comfortable and do not come off at night. They are adjustable and can fit all hairstyles including braids and crotchet styles. They look beautiful and adorable, so you can even rock them during the day, whenever you have bad hair days, for church, you choose!!

Inbox/comment to order or Whatsapp/call/sms 0795651107. Send us the colours you prefer, phone number and location (for delivery) to process your order. Its time to completely do away with those stockings that dry your hair, reduce your hairline and cause your hair to break. Also available in wholesale and for kids, Ankara satin lined bonnets and cotton bonnets.

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