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Mosquito Killer Lamp

Ksh 1,000.00

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StateNairobi County
Zip/Postal Code00300

To order yours today call/text/whatsapp 0795651107. Also Available in wholesale.

Mosquito Killer Lamp Watt Energy Saving LED Bulb @ Ksh. 1000 only

The bulb gives both white light and also has a UV Mosquito Killer.

The UV attracts mosquitoes and the electric mechanism kills them

Turn the bulb on/off to change between 3 modes, i.e.

– White light only

– UV mosquito killer light only

– Both White light and UV mosquito killer lights

UV attracts mosquitoes, insects, bugs. Destroying them quickly and hygienically.

Non-toxic since no chemicals are used.

No need to clean as the insects will fall right off after they are zapped.

Low power consumption since the bulb uses LED technology.

Ideal for indoor use, especially in bedrooms, restaurants, kitchens, offices, greenhouses, etc.

To order yours today call/text/whatsapp 0795651107

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