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RICH WOMAN-by Kim Kiyosaki

Ksh 1,300.00

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StateNairobi County
Zip/Postal Code00100

Dear Listener, Rich Woman is an audiobook on investing for women. Why an investment book written just for women? There’s a very good reason. The how-to’s of investing; how to buy and sell a stock or how to find a profitable rental property are the same for men and women. What’s different are the unique issues that women face when it comes to money and investing. Here are some eye-opening statistics: * 47% of women over the age of 50 are single. * 50% of marriages end in divorce. (The #1 thing couples fight about is money.) * In the first year after a divorce, a woman’s standard of living drops an average of 73%. * 90% of all women will be solely responsible for their financial well-being within their lifetime. Let’s face it women, what worked for our mothers and grandmothers is not working for most of us, our daughters and our granddaughters. So now is the time for women to get smarter with their money. My passion is to educate and encourage women to create the financial security and peace of mind they want and deserve in their lives. If that’s what you want, then I trust this audiobook will be of great value to you. Here’s to your success as a Rich Woman! With thanks, Kim Kiyosaki