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SSL encryption establishes a secure connection between your server and any visitor’s web browser, and keeps data private. Having HTTPS in the address bar and displaying a seal of trust increases customer confidence in your website and drives more sales.

Security and trust is essential when you’re operating an online business. Your visitors need to know they can trust you and that their data will be safe. By installing an SSL Certificate on your website you’ll be proving your identity and encrypting anything sent to your server, such as personal or financial data. This means even if someone is listening, they’ll not be able to read what’s been sent.

Sectigo formerly Comodo SSL Certificate is the quickest and most cost effective way for an online business to protect customer transactions. Apart from their low cost, each certificate also comes with a great value-add package, which makes them perfect for small to medium size businesses. Choosing Sectigo formerly Comodo SSL means your site will enjoy the highest security levels and you’ll also receive additional tools that will win customer trust and increase sales conversions

Get the strongest and most flexible protection, issued to your website. We advise that SSL should be used to secure your web site transactions, logins and connections. We offer you the highest levels of security, confidence and trust in your web site and online brand.

August 30, 2023 6:09 pm

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Listing ID 4664ef141e53deb