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Splendid 1 acre beach plot in Diani Galu area for sale!!

Ksh 42,000,000.00

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StateKwale County
Zip/Postal Code80118

Splendid 1 acre beach plot in Diani Galu area near Pinewood Resort, this amazing property overlooking the beautiful Indian Ocean has a private house on it,and the land stretches all the way touching the main road.

Enjoy beautiful sandy beach in the heart of South Coast Diani. enjoy the wealth of nature’s beauty, from the crisp fresh air, to the breathtaking Indian Ocean.

Price: KSH 42M per acre.

The plot is ideal for a hotel, holiday home, shopping complex, family home or investment . Water and electricity are close by. Very nice quiet location with not much development around. This splendid location is a real opportunity for projects as investment. Make an appointment to visit and judge yourself.

We at Euro Trust will be happy to assist you with building plans as well as with construction. We give you free guidance. For more information, please ask for our plans and quotations for your own contemporary bungalow, house or apartments. We like to assist as well with projects planning from start to finish.

June 23, 2016 11:52 am

This ad has expired

Listing ID 188576b957ce3f06