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Termites Control and Pest Control in Nairobi Kenya 0726756579

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Termite control solutions Nairobi Kenya
TERMITE CONTROL SOLUTIONS – Kallpest Pest Control and Fumigation Company based in Nairobi Kenya.

Termites are an insect species that consume wood and other cellulose materials. Although some structures are more prone to termite attack every house is susceptible to potential termite invasion. Many homeowners worry about fire or flooding, but termite damage is actually much more common.

Even if your home is built primarily of brick or stone, you can still find yourself with a termite problem, because structural supports as well as other building components are constructed of wood and other cellulose containing materials.
Over time, termite damage can become significant. Termite damage weakens wood which can eventually lead to costly repairs and structural failure.

Termites are social insects which live in colonies. They originate from the soil and generally enter structures undetected via hidden pathways in foundation walls and floors. They primarily live below the soil surface.
Although they can be a menace they are extremely important to the environment because they break down dead plant material converting it to humus. Like any pest, termites become a problem when they invade your living space.

The most common symptoms of termite activity include:
Swarmers – Generally in late winter / early spring winged reproductive termites emerge and make short flight to areas of bright light. This includes windows, where they often shed their wings leaving a tell tale sign of their presence.
Shelter Tubes – Termites build mud tubes to protect themselves from dry air and sunlight as they travel from their underground colony into your house.

– Termites are an extremely persistent and challenging pest. Homeowners should not attempt to resolve a termite problem on their own. Treatment involves application of treatment materials at critical areas in and around the structure known from experience to be susceptible to termite infiltration.