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Protect the Knees to Avoid Injuries
Recovering from a knee injury is an arduous process because the knees are made up of several components converging together. joint pain relief in one element will affect the other ones. A strained tendon, for example, can place uneven pressure on ligaments, other tendons, bones, cartilage, and major muscle groups. Some injuries heal completely but many become areas of reoccurring pain or swelling.


The best way to keep knees strong, flexible, and protected is to exercise regularly. Specific exercises, such as leg lifts, squats, stretches, and walking are excellent for knees. A personal trainer can assist people in developing an individual regime if resources, time, and desire permit. Researching exercises online is also helpful and convenient.


Those who need to sit or stand for long periods at jobs, participate in athletics, or spend time traveling will want to utilize supports and sleeves to increase blood circulation and decrease fatigue. Support ranges from mild to maximum levels to prevent swelling, stiffness, and blood clots. Basic knee sleeves and braces, like compression socks and wraps, can be purchased over the counter at department stores, shoe outlets, and sporting goods retailers.

Advanced support is available in braces designed for contact sports, contractors and laborers who work on their knees, and people with degenerative conditions. One example is the series of Hg80 knee braces developed by Mueller Sports. knee pain tablets consists of innovations that ensure a proper fit, protect most knee components, and offer comfort and flexibility.

Weight Management

A healthy weight is vital to avoid knee pain, inflammation, and injury. The force of pressure placed on the knees is directly related to the weight of an individual. People who are overweight add exponential force to knees with every step. Knowing the ratios for different movements can help people realize just how much damage extra weight causes to all joints, especially the knees.

When walking on level ground, the force on the knees is one and a half times that of total body weight. A woman weighing one-hundred and twenty-pounds places one-hundred and eighty pounds of pressure on her knees during each step taken. One weighing two-hundred pounds places three-hundred pounds of pressure on her knees.

Going up or down stairs increases the force by two to three times the body weight. Squatting down or bending over to pick up a dropped item places four to five times the body weight. sore knees to this concept is that even a slight decrease in weight can make a significant difference in pressure to the knees.